Otanjoubi Omedetou 19th Ichigo boy (Mothercon boy)
Posted by Addelin Sildferisa
yamada ryosuke
Otanjoubi Omedetou Yama-chan, Ryo-chan,
Ichigo boy. Haa kecepetan gue ngomongnya =.=" Salah apa gue disaat ultah
ichiban gue besok, gue harus berjuang menghadapi ujian rsbi -__- Malleeesss
banget, entah buat apa tuh nilai, toh nilai UN rsbi itu ga dipake buat masuk
SMA =w= Ini aja ngepost nyolong2 waktu, kebetulan orang2 rumah lagi keluar.
Hahahaa. Eh? Kenapa malah OOT ya? Ahaha, gomen gomen.. ^^"
Otanjoubi Omedetou Yamada Ryosuke! Mothercon boy! *slapped* Ichigo boy! My Dearest Ichiban! I wish you have a great and best birthday! 19th, that's not a young boy age anymore. You are more mature now, you've grown! Omedetouu ^.^ *eh?
You're the one who change my life, You're the one who make my days full of happiness. You're the one who made me being a fangirl. Maybe I'll be a fangirl for the rest of my life as long as you here, in this small world. I love your smile, I love your wink, I love the way you are. Keep being yourself who has known by us (jumpers). The only one Yamada Ryosuke, the one who inspired me. No matter what happen I'll still support and lovin' you here. But I hope we'll meet someday. I'm proud to be your fan, I'm proud because you're my Idol. You're my precious person to me. Always in my heart, you'll be in m heart, in our heart too. Thank you for everything :D
You're the one who change my life, You're the one who make my days full of happiness. You're the one who made me being a fangirl. Maybe I'll be a fangirl for the rest of my life as long as you here, in this small world. I love your smile, I love your wink, I love the way you are. Keep being yourself who has known by us (jumpers). The only one Yamada Ryosuke, the one who inspired me. No matter what happen I'll still support and lovin' you here. But I hope we'll meet someday. I'm proud to be your fan, I'm proud because you're my Idol. You're my precious person to me. Always in my heart, you'll be in m heart, in our heart too. Thank you for everything :D
my photo edit |
This is my video edit for your birthday
(and this vid is used for hey say jump lounge project too)
Soshite, I wanna share my previous fanvid that I made about 5
month ago XP
Sepertinya gue ngepost ini terlalu heboh ya
dibanding ultah Shinichi -_- Suer sebelum gue kenal dia, yang gue bangga
banggain itu Shinichi Kudo, cowo 2D yang gue pikir gue ga bisa berpaling ke
cowo 3D karena dia udah jadi lover gue sejak kelas 3 SD (nyahahaa, otaku
tingkat akut gue xD). Tapi sejak kedatangan cowo ini, mata gue jadi berbinar
binar. Padahl awalnya waktu nonton Tantei Gakuen Q, emang gue suka, tapi suka
nya ga separah kaya ini. Kena nya tu pas nonton Hidarime Tantei. Ngejleb banget
tuh, dia berhasil menembus portal hati gue. Posisi Shinichi ngga menempati
peringkat pertama lagi di hati gue, cowo ini menggeser posisi Shinichi. Haduu pake pelet apaadeh si yama ini sampe gue bisa suka dia segini amat. #parah
banget bahasa gue ya -_-
Tapi bukan berarti gue ga cinta Shin, gue
suka mereka berdua, both of them. Yamada Ryosuke & Shinichi Kudo ^^
AAAH!!! Hampir lupa. Yokoyama Yu juga, Happy Birthdayyy~!! Hohohohoo.. Tanaka bersaudara ultaah. Pasangan adek kakak favorit saya sama sama ultah niih (Yamada ama Yokoyama berperan jadi adek kakak sekaligus musuh di dorama Hidarime Tantei Eye~ Tanaka Ainosuke & Tanaka Yumehito)xD Yuuuuu walopun umur udah segitu tapi kenapa masih bisa cakeep awet muda gitu siih? XD Pengen liat kalian main bareng lagiii XD
yak, segitu sajaa. Baibaaaaiiii~ ^o^
AAAH!!! Hampir lupa. Yokoyama Yu juga, Happy Birthdayyy~!! Hohohohoo.. Tanaka bersaudara ultaah. Pasangan adek kakak favorit saya sama sama ultah niih (Yamada ama Yokoyama berperan jadi adek kakak sekaligus musuh di dorama Hidarime Tantei Eye~ Tanaka Ainosuke & Tanaka Yumehito)xD Yuuuuu walopun umur udah segitu tapi kenapa masih bisa cakeep awet muda gitu siih? XD Pengen liat kalian main bareng lagiii XD
yak, segitu sajaa. Baibaaaaiiii~ ^o^
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